Friday, December 09, 2005
We shared the same tailor...
I thought you might like to know I've changed my political views on something.
Last week I would have told you that I completely agree with denying free health services to people who have forced themselves into ill-health via smoking, glutony or some other stupidity.
However, I've realised that this is completely wrong, everybody should be given free health services (unless they're health tourists, but more on that later).
The reason for this is that the NHS, being as damned beuaracratic as it is, would then deny free services for old people.
Why? Well, it's obvious. It's their own fault that they managed to survive long enough for living itself to be dangerous to their health.
On the other hand, my views on the maths department have not changed.
It's still as crap as ever.
Oh, also, I cannot believe that The Avengers was actually allowed to be televised! I've seen episodes of Neighbours that have been better choreographed, staged, acted, scripted, set, produced... even the accents on The Avengers annoy me more!
Last week I would have told you that I completely agree with denying free health services to people who have forced themselves into ill-health via smoking, glutony or some other stupidity.
However, I've realised that this is completely wrong, everybody should be given free health services (unless they're health tourists, but more on that later).
The reason for this is that the NHS, being as damned beuaracratic as it is, would then deny free services for old people.
Why? Well, it's obvious. It's their own fault that they managed to survive long enough for living itself to be dangerous to their health.
On the other hand, my views on the maths department have not changed.
It's still as crap as ever.
Oh, also, I cannot believe that The Avengers was actually allowed to be televised! I've seen episodes of Neighbours that have been better choreographed, staged, acted, scripted, set, produced... even the accents on The Avengers annoy me more!
This has been brought to you by; The Historian and The Physicist
Just like how people who've taken overdoses shouldn't be treated.
Way to go Marin.
Unknown, at Sat Dec 10, 09:42:00 am 2005
health services should only be given to healthy people. that way, the healthy people have an incentive to stay healthy since that's the only way to get free health services, and the junkies will (hopefully) work towards healtiness since they won't get healthj services until they're healthy.
ok, i don't make sense to myself either.
Anonymous, at Thu Dec 15, 02:26:00 am 2005
Unfortunately things are never that easy though, exactly where do you cut the line for somebody being healthy?
Is it 15 or 16 stones?
Is a skateboarder deliberately risking their life?
Is a person who marries a smoker deliberately risking their health?
Things get even more difficult when we consider morals and ethics, should we consider mental disorders as explanations for anorexia or obsesity? How about if somebody has been driven to drug abuse due to sexual abuse from a protector?
These are just a few of the difficult situations that such a plan would present, and unfortunately they would probably apply to a large proportion of the population.
Thus, to prevent the needy from suffering without free health care a state system has to encompass everybody.
Well Placed Comma, at Thu Dec 15, 10:28:00 am 2005
Neighbours! You love Neighbours
(just to bring the whole political tone down a level.... or two...)
Je Suis La Française, at Thu Dec 15, 09:21:00 pm 2005
If a person is sick, you treat them.
Unknown, at Fri Dec 16, 05:25:00 pm 2005
Anonymous, at Tue Dec 20, 05:18:00 am 2005
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