...Said the Joker to the Thief.

Welcome to Said.The.Joker.To.The.Thief, part of a network of personal blogs. Oh, by the way, ditch I.E. Get Firefox or Opera.

Friday, November 11, 2005

This is not a food.

This was originally a post about the NHS but my broswer decided it didn't approve and proceeded to delete it.
I'm too lazy to re-write it so instead I shall (also) steal this questionnaire thing from Beena's blog.

Okay, I've filled it in and discovered it slightly messed up the template. Thus, here's a link to it. It'll open up in a new window and is hosted on another blog, enjoy:
Survey 1

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Screw the N.H.S. Give me batteries instead.

I dispise batteries! Whenever you need them they simply do not exist.

Okay, that's a hyperbole. I went to visit Dave in his Pit of Squalor And Inhumanely Kept Fish and he had EIGHT batteries in the piggery, apparently "they're all definitely dead... you can't have them". Personally, I think he doesn't wash, I mean, is lying.

Anyway, because of this battery crisis another money crisis will ensue as I now need to purchase batteries in order for the digi-cam to work.

Oh, I had a dream this morning where I was singing James Blunt lyrics, I think, I've listened to his album for over an hour now and I can't find the words so maybe I can predict his upcomming songs? Also, I've updated the random links in the side-bar this morning, you'll all be glad to know theres no physics there this time. Actually, keep up to date with the template because I'm drafting an update after Kay suggested a newspaper article thing...

Oh, also, I can't believe it took me a week to find. I'm disgusted.


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