...Said the Joker to the Thief.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Maria, Maria, where did you go?

Yo. You may remember that ages ago I watched an episode of The Weakest Link and complained about it on here. I watched another episode last week, some of the questions I had most difficulty with follow in this post.

Weakest Link.
Episode Aired on 06/04/06, 17.30 on BBC2.
Up until this week I thought the show had an actual requirement for people with dodgy spelled names, last time I complained we saw 'Ann' and 'Clare', which are just plain silly; 'Ann' should always be spelt Anne and 'Clare' should always be spelled Claire or, occasionally, as Clara. However, this week they even managed to spell 'Kain' correctly, unfortunately it appears that the research team for the show had employed too much energy correctly spelling the contestants names and therefore could not properly research questions. We were thus dealt these conundrums:

What is the name given to a complex at which planes board and disembark passengers?
  • The correct answer was not given by the contestant, surprisingly, but is, of course, Air Port.
In relation to consumerism, what does the abbreviation "Ad" stand for?
  • Again, the poor contestant could not complete this intellectual quest and failed to answer. The correct answer is 'Advertisement'.
... and my favourite:

What is the name given to the little bits of bread left out in gardens for birds?
  • Once more the contestant failed! ... The correct answer, crumbs!
... Unfortunately the contestants weren't the only ones who had difficulty answering the questions, when my dad was asked by ol' Anne, "What is the only vowel used in Roman Numerals?" his answer, and not even immediate answer, was "C! It's C!". I now have an excuse in waiting for my crap A-level grades...



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