...Said the Joker to the Thief.

Welcome to Said.The.Joker.To.The.Thief, part of a network of personal blogs. Oh, by the way, ditch I.E. Get Firefox or Opera.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Say what you feel girl. Say what you wanna do.

Bloody Firefox.
Bloody Opera.
Bloody Bullguard.
Smegging Windows!

I'm not going to dwell for long on why Firefox sucks because it will embarras me and cause Kali to laugh at me, and while that might not be as damaging as the Yellow-Cheese-Holder it will still hurt my punished ego...
So onto Opera. How can a programme that rocks in so many ways decide to fail in such a catastrophic manner?! You [notice the inclusive pronoun here people? I think you can tell me English exam is on Tuesday] can't actually write/edit posts in Opera, at all. It's utter shite. Which is a shame, considering it's potential... oh, apparently livejournal RSS's don't work, how bloody brilliant...
Bullguard sucks. It's told me FOUR times in the hour I've been on my computer that I have a virus and that it's contained it, which would be fine, but for the fact it's the SAME frigging virus! If it can't deal with one smeggin' virus the least it could do is not interupt my 'Windows Experience'.
I hate those Windows adverts. Helping children acheive what? Multi-billion dollar monopolies which operate virtually entirely illegally? Oh, yeah, good moral targets.

"Closer to finding out it doesn't mean anything" - gotta love Lifehouse

Monday, May 16, 2005

Fake after fake. Year after year.

You do make a good point about the firefox security issue Kay, and I did actually run the safety check on my javascript controls and was horrified to ACTUALLY find my credit card number un-encrypted. However. For me, my security and general well being are much lower priorities than keeping away from any Microsoft affiliated product, and Rasums. Eww. Rasmus.

Wow. Bono.

One complaint I have, today, is with Blogger. We all know my internet connections sucks horrifically, but Blogger just seems to accentuate the problem! Even when it's working at a near reasonable level Blogger.com/dashboard takes about 5 minutes to load. Damn blogger.
Oh! Last complaint for today. Ian told Kali to hit me! AND she did! Grr.. I hate it when people gang up on me... :P

'Rodger that.

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