Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Everybody loves a jelly baby
I am not a happy chappie. Well, that's not entirely true, Kay has cheered me up with her phone call, but I'm still a lil' miffed. Unfortunately, I can't follow Kay's advice and drink because we don't have any - which is terrible! So, instead, I decided to post on 'ere.
I hate math. I do not understand a bloody thing in my homework. "Vector Equation For The Point Of Intersection." My arse. What it should read is "Vector Equation That Makes You Want To Die"
I think this wouldn't normally piss me off as much as it has, it's just I thought I was doing almost okay at college; in Physics I'm upto date with work and understanding it, in English I'm contributing a lot (possibly too much, according to Lewis) and in Stats I'm making, erm, some progress? And I still don't like my glasses, I really did not like the amount of time I had to look in mirrors today - I really do not like them.
... this is turning into more of a rant than I wanted... but I'm going to carry on regardless...
I'm scared I'm becomming a Christian at the moment. In Cambridge I actually began to happily read the Bib-el without critising it and was humming hymns at the same time. How creepy!? Oh, and I've had to remove one of James Blunts tracks from my playlist as it depressed me now - it's rediculous, that's at least 2 songs I can't listen to now without crying.
Oh, yeah, I told Nev that I had decided to not apply to Oxford in this batch of UCAS but instead see how my results go and blah, his response could not possibly have been more nonchalent. I seriously got the impression that he isn't happy with me applying to University at all, that I'm destined to become some sort of benefit-junkie. That's whats pissed me off! No matter, I'm onto his ass, I know where he lives now.
Also, yeah, Beena, I really didn't want to know that much :P.
Okay that has cheered me up, I should make idle death threats to lecturers more often.
I'm going to go and... install photoshop! Thanks again Kay for ringing me, you're lovelly.
I am not a happy chappie. Well, that's not entirely true, Kay has cheered me up with her phone call, but I'm still a lil' miffed. Unfortunately, I can't follow Kay's advice and drink because we don't have any - which is terrible! So, instead, I decided to post on 'ere.
I hate math. I do not understand a bloody thing in my homework. "Vector Equation For The Point Of Intersection." My arse. What it should read is "Vector Equation That Makes You Want To Die"
I think this wouldn't normally piss me off as much as it has, it's just I thought I was doing almost okay at college; in Physics I'm upto date with work and understanding it, in English I'm contributing a lot (possibly too much, according to Lewis) and in Stats I'm making, erm, some progress? And I still don't like my glasses, I really did not like the amount of time I had to look in mirrors today - I really do not like them.
... this is turning into more of a rant than I wanted... but I'm going to carry on regardless...
I'm scared I'm becomming a Christian at the moment. In Cambridge I actually began to happily read the Bib-el without critising it and was humming hymns at the same time. How creepy!? Oh, and I've had to remove one of James Blunts tracks from my playlist as it depressed me now - it's rediculous, that's at least 2 songs I can't listen to now without crying.
Oh, yeah, I told Nev that I had decided to not apply to Oxford in this batch of UCAS but instead see how my results go and blah, his response could not possibly have been more nonchalent. I seriously got the impression that he isn't happy with me applying to University at all, that I'm destined to become some sort of benefit-junkie. That's whats pissed me off! No matter, I'm onto his ass, I know where he lives now.
Also, yeah, Beena, I really didn't want to know that much :P.
Okay that has cheered me up, I should make idle death threats to lecturers more often.
I'm going to go and... install photoshop! Thanks again Kay for ringing me, you're lovelly.
This has been brought to you by; The Historian and The Physicist
Yes, well. I don't care if you didn't want to know - I RULE ALL!
Unknown, at Fri Sept 30, 04:35:00 pm 2005
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