...Said the Joker to the Thief.

Welcome to Said.The.Joker.To.The.Thief, part of a network of personal blogs. Oh, by the way, ditch I.E. Get Firefox or Opera.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Customer Satisfaction/Company Desatisfaction


I'm going to break from tradition today, instead of complaining about things I'm going to marvel at how brilliant some (albiet, a minute proportion of things in the Universe) things are.
For instance, the Postal Service. Usually a completely shite, beurocratic 'company' that fails to meet it's mission statement of actually delivering items to people within their [natural] life-span. However, I posted my app. to St. Johns yesterday at 12.30 in the Wordsley Post Box. Today. That's right, TODAY, I got an email confirming my booking. How fantastic is that?!
Also, the war between Firefox and Opera (well, the seemingly insignificant battle that takes place on my computer) has taken a new, brilliant leap. Opera has Tetris! AND Snake! Dude!

Lastly, some good news for the people. Microsoft is being sued! To be more precise, the E.U is sueing them £2million EVERY DAY until they release some of their codes and stop releasing computers with Media Player already installed. Granted, the big M makes £100million a week, so this isn't really a massive triumph - but it's a step in the right direction.

Anyway, toodles for now.

"All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending"


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