Monday, October 16, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
While she's having a smoke... and he's taking a drag.
Okay, last night I actually made one of (I think) the most important decisions of my life so far, the result of these decisions lies beneath:

... I really hope I've made the right decisions now...
I've just discovered this.
I use google.toolbar for firefox and I feel a lil' shit so I just typed in 'I feel li" and the first suggestion it gives is "I feel like shit"! How... strange... now, come to think of it.
Here endeth the updates.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Maria, Maria, where did you go?
Yo. You may remember that ages ago I watched an episode of The Weakest Link and complained about it on here. I watched another episode last week, some of the questions I had most difficulty with follow in this post.
Weakest Link.
Episode Aired on 06/04/06, 17.30 on BBC2.
Up until this week I thought the show had an actual requirement for people with dodgy spelled names, last time I complained we saw 'Ann' and 'Clare', which are just plain silly; 'Ann' should always be spelt Anne and 'Clare' should always be spelled Claire or, occasionally, as Clara. However, this week they even managed to spell 'Kain' correctly, unfortunately it appears that the research team for the show had employed too much energy correctly spelling the contestants names and therefore could not properly research questions. We were thus dealt these conundrums:
What is the name given to a complex at which planes board and disembark passengers?
What is the name given to the little bits of bread left out in gardens for birds?
Weakest Link.
Episode Aired on 06/04/06, 17.30 on BBC2.
Up until this week I thought the show had an actual requirement for people with dodgy spelled names, last time I complained we saw 'Ann' and 'Clare', which are just plain silly; 'Ann' should always be spelt Anne and 'Clare' should always be spelled Claire or, occasionally, as Clara. However, this week they even managed to spell 'Kain' correctly, unfortunately it appears that the research team for the show had employed too much energy correctly spelling the contestants names and therefore could not properly research questions. We were thus dealt these conundrums:
What is the name given to a complex at which planes board and disembark passengers?
- The correct answer was not given by the contestant, surprisingly, but is, of course, Air Port.
- Again, the poor contestant could not complete this intellectual quest and failed to answer. The correct answer is 'Advertisement'.
What is the name given to the little bits of bread left out in gardens for birds?
- Once more the contestant failed! ... The correct answer, crumbs!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Finding It Hard To Smile*
Okay, I might've done something naughty. About a month ago I discovered this fantastic thing called 'Google Analytics' and put my name down for an account when one became available, because the graphs looked cool and I liked traffic counters...
Thing is, having received and accepted the invitation today I've discovered that the stat's are aimed at marketing and keyword analysis. I'm not sure whether this blog counts as a business, see...
However, upon having a quick dash through the TaC of the service I can't find anything that says individuals cannot make use of the service... so I'll see if I get any criticism and maybe ask Mullany on his take on it, but I don't think there should be any problem using it :)
More Google News, they have a new 'beta' service. It has GOT TO BE SEEN! I think it's the funniest thing I have ever seen sprout from old Google!
... and that's me shutting up about internet-tech for the time being.
Oh, just watching "Davina" on BBC1. It's fucking awful. No bullshitting about with clever metaphors, just plain fucking awful. Actually, it's so awful the BBC doesn't even have a dedicated page for me to link to!
Ohhh... thank you, you just found me the new random link.
Anyway, back to Private Eye!
*Bastard life.
Thing is, having received and accepted the invitation today I've discovered that the stat's are aimed at marketing and keyword analysis. I'm not sure whether this blog counts as a business, see...
However, upon having a quick dash through the TaC of the service I can't find anything that says individuals cannot make use of the service... so I'll see if I get any criticism and maybe ask Mullany on his take on it, but I don't think there should be any problem using it :)
More Google News, they have a new 'beta' service. It has GOT TO BE SEEN! I think it's the funniest thing I have ever seen sprout from old Google!
... and that's me shutting up about internet-tech for the time being.
Oh, just watching "Davina" on BBC1. It's fucking awful. No bullshitting about with clever metaphors, just plain fucking awful. Actually, it's so awful the BBC doesn't even have a dedicated page for me to link to!
Ohhh... thank you, you just found me the new random link.
Anyway, back to Private Eye!
*Bastard life.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Relax, I need some information first.
Okay, I've just taken a General Studies Trial Test Paper for French. I'm not the only one to have taken it, both Kay and Sophie have already suffered, it's just that I'm the first one to post complaining about it.
After taking the paper my feelings toward General Studies have become reinforced.
Firstly, this paper is out of 50 marks. FIFTY MARKS. The Science and Maths Paper only has 25 marks "devoted" to each section. I think this entirely unfair to those like Kay and I who didn't study a MFL (Modern Foreign Language) as it means there is heavy emphasis on your MFL ability in your final result; which is totally unfair, it should be weighted just as lowly as Maths and Science.
Secondly, I'm not entirely sure, but quite sure that during the GCSE our MFL reading paper simply got you to pick which statement was true (i.e. A) Is Martin a fool in this example? B) Is Betroot mentioned in this example? And such forth) it did not ask you to pick out the incorrect phrase. This paper did. Not only that, but it deliberately tried to trick you. Well, maybe it didn't, but I haven't done French in TWO YEARS so I'm going to have difficulty with any question, let alone questions on NEW STUFF.
Which brings me on to my third point. Some students have had the great fortune of actually having MFL General Studies lessons, but not I. Instead I've been learning, for the past FOUR WEEKS, about Moral Panics and how the media presents information, which is basically how authority can influence you, how you should be wary of biased data and generally pissed off at GS. I cannot think of one subject where at least one of these ideas is not discussed (and it's already mandatory! We have a Politics paper that's about the same stuff) so I cannot see why they even bother teaching it; ever heard of a handout, Fred?
Ergo (yes, I just used a [weak] three part syllagism), the MFL General Studies Paper sucks. They'll regret telling me I could leave comments on the paper.
"Can you show me where it hurts..."
After taking the paper my feelings toward General Studies have become reinforced.
Firstly, this paper is out of 50 marks. FIFTY MARKS. The Science and Maths Paper only has 25 marks "devoted" to each section. I think this entirely unfair to those like Kay and I who didn't study a MFL (Modern Foreign Language) as it means there is heavy emphasis on your MFL ability in your final result; which is totally unfair, it should be weighted just as lowly as Maths and Science.
Secondly, I'm not entirely sure, but quite sure that during the GCSE our MFL reading paper simply got you to pick which statement was true (i.e. A) Is Martin a fool in this example? B) Is Betroot mentioned in this example? And such forth) it did not ask you to pick out the incorrect phrase. This paper did. Not only that, but it deliberately tried to trick you. Well, maybe it didn't, but I haven't done French in TWO YEARS so I'm going to have difficulty with any question, let alone questions on NEW STUFF.
Which brings me on to my third point. Some students have had the great fortune of actually having MFL General Studies lessons, but not I. Instead I've been learning, for the past FOUR WEEKS, about Moral Panics and how the media presents information, which is basically how authority can influence you, how you should be wary of biased data and generally pissed off at GS. I cannot think of one subject where at least one of these ideas is not discussed (and it's already mandatory! We have a Politics paper that's about the same stuff) so I cannot see why they even bother teaching it; ever heard of a handout, Fred?
Ergo (yes, I just used a [weak] three part syllagism), the MFL General Studies Paper sucks. They'll regret telling me I could leave comments on the paper.
"Can you show me where it hurts..."
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Hey guys, just wanted to post something (so yes, this does mean I'm just wasting time, you can stop reading now, and don't worry, there's a proper post comming up from the intellectual of this blog, Kay :P) ... there's a new section! It's located somewhere in the sidebar, it's a pull-down menu (a poor pull-down menu) containing all of (currently) my debts. This section doesn't look very good at the moment, but it will do, soon as I start Uni and the section "Marin owes the Government..." is introduced!
Oh, House!
Oh, House!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"Brilliant, make me look like a whore, iTunes."
Put iTunes or Windows Media Player on shuffle and see what you get. (Take the first song as your answer to Question #1, and so on and so forth.)
1. What's my mood like right now?
Handbags and The Gladrags - Travis
(shit… it would be one of the songs I don’t understand)
2. How's tomorrow going to be for me?
The Mule – The Magic Numbers
(Bollocks! I have an Uni interview tomoz! This is not a good omen)
3. What kind of person am I?
Kite – U2
(Aww! I’m a kite!)
4. Am I loved?
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
(“A message from my eyes says leave it alone”, f’ack off)
5. How can I achieve my highest potential?
Sand In My Shoes - Dido
(Err… this songs about life being too hectic. So, yay? I’ll be busy, and hopefully happy)
6. What should I do with my life?
Good People – Jack Johnson
(LMAO! I love this game!)
7. Is everything really going to be alright in the end?
Step On My Old Size Nines – Stereophonics
(“Will I get what I want from this world?”, that’s just another question, really.)
8. What is my best quality?
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
(Wow! This is actually relevant, but I won’t listen; too skared.)
9. How does my sex life look?
I really am not going to write that.
10. What's the meaning of life?
Long Legs – The Magic Numbers
(Brilliant, make me look like a whore, iTunes.)
11. What do people think of me?
Until The End Of The World – U2
(Shame that isn’t true really, would be heartwarming.)
12. Would I make a good lover?
I’m With You – Avril Lavigne
13. How crazy am I?
Grace – U2
14. Will I have a good life in general?
Hero – Chad Kroeger
15. Can (insert name here) ever really love me?
Asthenia – Blink 182
(That means what?)
16. Can me and (insert name here) ever be more than friends?
Sunday Morning – Maroon 5
17. What's going to happen to me this week?
Welcome to Paradise - Greenday
1. What's my mood like right now?
Handbags and The Gladrags - Travis
(shit… it would be one of the songs I don’t understand)
2. How's tomorrow going to be for me?
The Mule – The Magic Numbers
(Bollocks! I have an Uni interview tomoz! This is not a good omen)
3. What kind of person am I?
Kite – U2
(Aww! I’m a kite!)
4. Am I loved?
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
(“A message from my eyes says leave it alone”, f’ack off)
5. How can I achieve my highest potential?
Sand In My Shoes - Dido
(Err… this songs about life being too hectic. So, yay? I’ll be busy, and hopefully happy)
6. What should I do with my life?
Good People – Jack Johnson
(LMAO! I love this game!)
7. Is everything really going to be alright in the end?
Step On My Old Size Nines – Stereophonics
(“Will I get what I want from this world?”, that’s just another question, really.)
8. What is my best quality?
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
(Wow! This is actually relevant, but I won’t listen; too skared.)
9. How does my sex life look?
I really am not going to write that.
10. What's the meaning of life?
Long Legs – The Magic Numbers
(Brilliant, make me look like a whore, iTunes.)
11. What do people think of me?
Until The End Of The World – U2
(Shame that isn’t true really, would be heartwarming.)
12. Would I make a good lover?
I’m With You – Avril Lavigne
13. How crazy am I?
Grace – U2
14. Will I have a good life in general?
Hero – Chad Kroeger
15. Can (insert name here) ever really love me?
Asthenia – Blink 182
(That means what?)
16. Can me and (insert name here) ever be more than friends?
Sunday Morning – Maroon 5
17. What's going to happen to me this week?
Welcome to Paradise - Greenday
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